
Overture believes in a world where digital humanitarians collaborate to solve global crises.

 Valerie Jarrett & Arielle Duhaime-Ross at STEM+HD


Valerie Jarrett & Arielle Duhaime-Ross at STEM+HD

To realize this vision, Overture unites innovative technology companies and international development organizations in a community to create sustainable, lasting solutions to humanitarian challenges.

Project Type:

  • Tech for good
  • Cross-sector collaboration
  • Events management

Program Manager

Building a community of leaders from the humanitarian/impact and tech/media sectors. Working with partners to identify aligned opportunities for collaboration, identifying new opportunities for impact, conducting new member outreach, and supporting with event planning/management.

In 2017, helped launch our flagship STEM+HD conference for 350 leaders focused on opportunities to leverage technology to advance human development and increase inclusion in the tech sector.
